Hi Everyone,
We had another good week here in Moses Lake. The temperatures have been fairly mild last week, with one exception of one day in the high 90's. But I guess I shouldn't complain about that because I hear that Utah and other various places are getting scorched. The big news for this week is that we had 6 investigators come to church last week. This is a big deal because we have struggled getting investigators to commit to coming to church, and then following through with their commitment. Amy and her kids came to church again, which was good. She has been making a lot of good progress in the last week. We can tell that she has been more optimistic and happy. The bad news about that, however, is that her boyfriend came back and wants to get back together with her. He is not really nice to that family at all, so I really hope it doesn't turn out, and you can keep them in your prayers So we are really hoping that she will not take him back.
Our golden first contact, Bruce, didn't turn out. He had to cancel our appointment last week because he was going to Idaho. I would not be surprised if he had some anti preached to him during that trip. He said he was interested in researching the Book of Mormon, but didn't want to come to church and he doesn't want us coming over right now. Maybe some good will come of that in the future.
Forest came to church again and he is so close to baptism. He read the whole first book of Nephi in a day, and was talking about principles that he learned from it during Sunday school. The other people who came to church was a family we began teaching last week. Hernan and Amada are the parents names and they have two children. They are from the Dominican Republic They are friends of some members of the ward and came to our wards Pioneer Day celebration. We took them on a church tour and they really enjoyed it, as well as church. They were pretty adamant about not joining any church, but we will continue to teach them because they have a lot of questions about the church.
We also have had more service opportunities this last week, which was good for us. We did some weeding for a family we street contacted and they were very grateful, and hopefully we will be able to take them on a church tour. That's about it for me this week. Have a great week everyone. Love you all.
Elder Stacey